Worship Time is 10:00 a.m. Sundays


Welcome to Christ Presbyterian Church


  Welcome to the Christ Presbyterian Church Website! We hope that these pages will give you a little idea of who we are and what’s important to us. We also hope you get a glimpse here of the sort of community we are being led to become.

Jesus once said that unless a seed falls to the earth and dies, it remains only one seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. At Christ Presbyterian Church we are trying to live out that truth. In 1997, we left our much loved building on 38th Street and embarked on a risky adventure -- To build not only a new building, but a whole new ministry and a whole new community of faithful seekers and followers of Jesus Christ. In 1998, that vision was realized when we moved into our new church where all kinds of people come together to be fed by God’s living Word, to strengthen each other on the spiritual journey, and to serve a hurting world. If you share our vision, come and help us make it real. A lot of our new ministry is already planned and ready to go – but even more is waiting to be shaped by the gifts and talents of people we haven’t met yet. Maybe you are one of those people.

     So… feel free to click around and get to know us. If you have questions, there’s an e-mail link at the top of the home page or you are welcome to call us up on the phone at 335-7600. If you’re really interested in getting to know us better though, plan to be with us on a Sunday morning sometime soon...